Dublin 2001: Conference Photograph Gallery
/ Women's Ordination Worldwide
Nobel Peace Prize winner and keynote speaker, Mairead Corrigan Maguire lights the Women's Ordination Worldwide candle at the opening ceremony of WOW's First International Conference held in Dublin, Ireland in 2001.

Keynote Speaker Mairead Corrigan Maguire at the podium, Women's Ordination Worldwide First International Conference Dublin, Ireland June 30 - July 1, 2001

Keynote Speaker Reverend Rose Wilkin-Hudson, Women's Ordination Worldwide International Conference, Dublin, Ireland June 29 - July 30, 2001

Keynote speaker, Joan Chittister, OSB at the podium, Women's Ordination Worldwide International Conference, Dublin Ireland, June 29 - July 1, 2001.

Keynote speaker John Wijngaards at Women's Ordination Worldwide International Conference, Dublin, Ireland 2001

Keynote speaker, Joan Chittister, OSB at Women's Ordination Worldwide International Conference Dublin, Ireland June 29 - July 2, 2001

Joan Chittister and Gabrielle Cassidy at Women's Ordination Worldwide International Conference, Dublin, Ireland 2001

Aruna Gnanadason of the World Council of Churches was set to be one of the keynote speakers at the Dublin Conference in 2001. But on on account of pressure from the Vatican Gnanadason was forced to withdraw from the conference. The content of her address, We Will Pour Ointment on the Feet of the Church was delivered to the conference nonetheless.

Aruna Gnanadason of the World Council of Churches was set to be one of the keynote speakers at the Dublin Conference in 2001. But on on account of pressure from the Vatican Gnanadason was forced to withdraw from the conference. The content of her address, We Will Pour Ointment on the Feet of the Church was delivered to the conference nonetheless.

Six representatives from countries with 'lesser heard voices' addressed the Dublin conference, sharing some of the realities of the position of women in their countries from the points of view both state and church. Kornelia Buday from Hungary was one of the six.

Magdalena Bogner President of Germany's Katholische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands (kfd) delivered greeting to the Dublin Conference.